Noodles by L. Don Swartz

Meet the Boodles!

September 3-25, 2016

Directed by Lance Christiansen

8:00 PM — September 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, & 24
2:00 PM — September 4, 11, 18, & 25

Auditions: June 27-28, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
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Boo and Stu Boodle, whose affection for each other is still genuine after all these years, set the stage for the rest of the family. Boo is June Cleaver at her homiest. Stu has been inhaling dry-cleaning fumes at the family’s dry cleaning and pie shop for 30 years and has the empty-headed comic cluelessness to prove it.

Grandpa manages a cat house and the hypochondriac daughter Lulu has found love in the equally germ-o-phobic Luke. Brother Ned, who appears to be the only sane one around, brings normal Elaine home to meet this daffy bunch, who sees what few others see in the family Boodle. Oh, and there’s also the ever-helpful Jack, who resides in a cardboard appliance box in the middle of the Boodle living room, and the neighbor, Mrs. Doodah-Doodah.

With understated humor, Noodles just might help you view your own crazed flesh and blood with a knowing smile, a kinder eye, and an open heart.
Noodles could easily be mistaken as Neil Simon at his jokester best, with the heart-warming moral that seems to pervade much of Swartz’s work. By the end of the story, you may re-think just who among your own family are crazy and who are sane…and realize just how much you all care about each other.

Produced by special arrangements with Eldridge Publishing Co.

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Individual tickets go on sale August 1, 2016.
Until then, purchase season tickets.

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Noodles continues through September 25

“Everybody knows their family’s crazy,” said L. Don Swartz, who wrote Noodles. “This goes behind the story to see what makes them tick … and hopefully, makes everybody feel a little bit better about their own situations.”   Boo and Stu Boodle, whose affection for each other is still genuine after all these years, set the stage for the rest of the family. Boo is June Cleaver at her homiest. Stu has been inhaling dry-cleaning fumes at the family’s dry cleaning and pie shop for […]

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Auditions for Noodles set for June 27 and 28

Footlighters welcomes back Lance Christiansen as he directs the new comedy Noodles, by L. Don Swartz.  Auditions for Noodles, the first show of Redlands Footlighters’ 2016-17 season, will be held on June 27 and 28 at 7pm. Seeking 5 men and 6 women for this new show inspired by You Can’t Take It With You. Four women early 20’s to late 30’s (or can play that age) – Krystal, Lulu, Nora, Elaine Two women 45-70 – Boo, Mrs. Doodah-Doodah Two men 20’s to 30’s – Ned […]

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