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Auditions for Buying the Moose set for Dec. 5 & 6

Redlands Footlighters will hold auditions for the new comedy, Buying the Moose, on December 5 & 6, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Written by Michael G. Wilmot and directed by Ralph Griffey, the show will run February 4-26, 2017.

Be prepared to cold read from the script.

Seeking two men and two women. Characters can be any adult age providing their ages make sense relative to the other characters:

  • ROB: slightly heavyset
  • GREG: (Rob’s brother) Slightly older than Rob.
  • BETTY: (Rob’s wife)
  • CHERYL: (Greg’s wife)

Rob’s wife picked the most inconvenient moment to come home from a business trip. While strains of Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers play, Betty finds him wearing a tube top and awkwardly canoodling with an inflatable doll. She assumes the worst and turns to her sister-in-law, Cheryl, for comfort while his brother, Greg, comes over to set him straight. The resulting hilarious fallout brings two brothers and two couples closer together…and tattooed! What could easily be a simple dumb sex farce instead becomes an entertaining character-driven ensemble comedy piece. Wilmot’s script is funny above all, but also perceptive, pointed, and, on occasion, even insightful.